Claudia Kranefuss Training & Coaching
Realizing hidden human potential and power of people, teams and organisations

Personal Development: explore the secret of your potential

Course objectives

  • Effective Self Management
  • Identifying limiting attitudes, beliefs and behaviors and how to overcome them.
  • Handling situations, events and challenges from your authentic power and self trust
  • Creating better relationships
  • Getting to know oneself

For whom?

Anybody who believes he or she could achieve (even) better results, who wants to create a human enviroment beyond the mask and has the strong belief that change starts with oneselve. 

Personal Branding: explore your unique and authentic power

Course objectives:

  • Explore your authentic power beyond ego
  • Define your way of expressing yourself to your enviroment
  • Define your personal brand

For whom?

For all who are willing to step out of the box of the image and the masks in order to express their uniqueness.

For all men and women who want to break the myth of the glass ceiling and function out of their inner strength and capabilities, indifferent their gender. 

Leadership development: create humanness in leadership

Course objectives:

  • What does leadership mean for you?
  • How to inspire others towards responsibility and ownership
  • Hoe to create a safe working environment where people are willing to excell and see mistakes as a source of growth.
  • How to handle your own doubts and questions
  • How to give and handle feedback 

For whom?

For all managers and leaders who want to go beyond only target-driven management and engage their co-workers out of confidence and trust.

Leaders and managers who want to be a coach for their people.

Teamwork: how to create and be a great team where people can rely on each other. 

Value based organisations : how to practically live your values as an organisation and get everyone in the organisation expressing them on a day to day basis

Coaching - systemic and resultoriented 

From one to one to teamcoaching. 

Want to get more information? Feel free to send me a mail: